tedThank You RS.
Upgraded successfully - that I can see.
With regard to the folowing in the side columns, On my old "Downloads" they were each on seperate lines with a space (return carriage) between each one, but on the new version, they are side by side in a continuous row and then over to the next line...
How would I seperate these like they were on the old downloads please?
- Latest Files
- Most popular files
- Top Contributors
The above sections along with the
were aligned on the left on the old DownloadsII version too, is that not possible on the new version, Please? No problem, if not.
The new location for the Navigation is going to take some time to get used to too.
Oh, One last thing, If I may, Please?..
The "Downloads" tab on the forum home. Would it be possible that you could explain to me if and how I can add a word to the side of it please?
Many Thnaks for the porting of your great mod, and for any help you can give me (And others) on the above.
I will be making a donation soon.
Best Wishes,
Nominated too!