Originally Posted by Alecsmith
I am using FF 3.6 and also i tested my forum in Opera 10, Chrome, Flock, Safari but same problem i can see every where.
i had one question did u tested it on 4.0.2 PL 1 coz new version some Adminfunction_template on line number 913 their is error that's why i am getting this problem i guess.
Hi again,
Yes this was designed specifically for 4.0.2 using vb 4.0.2 and ive tried forcing this error and still can't manage it.. could you please try uninstalling it and reinstall it..
I would appreciate other feed back also from others as too if they are getting the same problem, ive checked several sites using my style and they all seem fine, i can re-package for you if need be, is my website (demo site) also showing this error for you ?
Thanks for your feedback but i need to see the problem before correcting it, shoot pm you site addy and i'll take a look.
Regards Darren