the plugin that uses the init_startup has this poorly coded part at the bottom:
// Include phrases
if($_REQUEST['product'] == 'vbnexus' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'usercp')
//$phrasegroups = array_merge($phrasegroups, array('vbnexus'));
$phrasegroups = array_merge($phrasegroups, array('vbnexus'));
Which will result in custom.php pages that users have made to break on array merge, even if their php file has $phrasegroups = array(); before requiring global.php file.
A 'patch' for those users who have this issue is to replace the line:
$phrasegroups = array_merge($phrasegroups, array('vbnexus'));
with something like
if (THIS_SCRIPT != 'myscript') {
# get rid of the array on THIS particular page.
$phrasegroups = array_merge($phrasegroups, array('vbnexus'));
} // End if condition THIS_SCRIPT != 'myscript'
Of course, your custom php file must have something like this to use th define THIS_SCRIPT:
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'myscript');
The next version of vbnexus can fix this quite simply and then this patch isn't needed.
Oh, and if you have more pages, just use in_array(); to check against THIS_SCRIPT array