Originally Posted by TalkVirginia
That sidebar menu is from an older version of the mod which is not implemented in the 1.1.4version. I will be adding those features in addition to the list of features in my first post. What you need to do is remove the cpnav_reminders.xml file from the %forumroot%/includes/xml folder then refresh your browser. My apologies for the confusion.
Great, thank you. I was not a consumer of the older version, so I assume everything is fine then.
Originally Posted by TalkVirginia
The amount of emails is because there is an error in the cron job setting. I've updated the product in the attached zip file. If you reimport the product overwriting the old one it should update the cron job to the new schedule. If you don't want to do that then you can go into the scheduled tasks and edit the Inactivity reminders task to the following settings:
Day of week: Monday (or any day of your choice)
Hour: 0 (Midnight)
Minute: 30 ( 30 minutes after the value in the Hour setting)
Great, thank you.
BTW, thank you so much for your daily support updates. Very helpful for us obsessive types!!