Originally Posted by baghdad4ever
is that against google policy or not??
please can you tell me
No, that's for sure. If the ads are clearly visible and you don't change Google's script, you'll be 100% clear with that.
Originally Posted by baghdad4ever
You can use both of my mods without any problems, I've tested them together.
Great site by the way, good to see my mod installed and work good on RTL language.
Originally Posted by khalled
dear Leo Brazil very very thanks for your quick cooperation and help
but please there is minor different between what i want and the code you give although your code is very useful
What i want that Google Adsense appear as it is threads
like the below pictures in vb 3.8 the Google Adsense appear as threads in thredlist
can we do the same thing with vb 4
i wait for your help if it's possible
Khalled, I've got your idea and will see what I can do, OK ? Just give me some time, this week I'm terrible busy with a lot of things but I'll do it OK. :up: