Originally Posted by Sarcoth
STATUS UPDATE: I have given this mod a complete facelift. All of the old code has been converted to vB4 effectively. While trying to look for ways to do some things, I learned that a lot of vbulletin code has been changed, and because of that I was able to remove various things from mine (namely the functions). I still need to test the avatar and profilepic part, but everything else appears to be working.
My biggest roadblock right now is trying to find a way to move the permissions to an options menu rather than using the edit usergroup area. I was able to move the access permissions for that over, but I still don't know how to get the usergroups that need to be displayed on the roster moved.
I also need to get the columns moved to the showroster option menu as well as some other things I am adding. My goal right now is to make it so you don't have to do any edits to the php or the templates (unless you require something outside what the default roster does).
For those interested, I hope to have an update posted within the next two weeks.
Keep up the great work :up: