Originally Posted by gbechtel
I want to edit ezbounce.php to also clear out the invalid email address to work in conjunction with this mod but I have tried a few variations of the code below with no luck, I just get a blank white screen when I click on the link in the bounced email message and ezbounce.php is not working at all.
Can someone help me with the correct code to use? Thanks!
// Clear current bad email address
SET useremail = ???
WHERE userid = " . $buser['userid'] . "
I would not suggest deleting email addresses from the user table. It would be better to delete the user using the user datamanager class IMHO.
Originally Posted by MrD
will this Addon ported to vb4?
Eventually, when I decide to upgrade all my forums from 3.8.x to 4.x series, i will give this mod a complete rewrite, however i don't expect it to be until at least version 4.1.0 is released.
Originally Posted by luket79
I am considering installing this, however, will it disable the "Receive Friend Request Notification", as this will send an email to a user if they are befriended? All of the users in my board have this enabled by default.
I haven't looked into what condition/bitfield is used to determine this condition. I imagine it's a bitfield permission in the user table, which i can put on to-do list for future versions.