Originally Posted by 210665
There is even a possibility that uploads are automatically written in the forum.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gibt es auch schon eine M?glichkeit das Uploads auch im Forum automatisch geschrieben werden.
That add-on isn't updated yet.
Originally Posted by Greeksgal
Yep, the tab works with the update, thank you.
I've found what might be a potential bug, not sure.
Since installing this mod we've been busy moving our downloads to the new area from the forum. I loved the feature to post the author name, it helped the staff when moving other members downloads as we were able to assign the posts to the rightful authors BUT now posts that we have moved, that we've assigned to other authors are appearing as our downloads on the profile tab and postbit. Any way around this? It should be linked to author name should it not?
Author ≠ Uploader
You can change the uploader by editing a file (Assign New Uploader).