Originally Posted by FRDS
The third Image that you see is the Pro version and only that version allows you to edit wording. We'll modify our description to prevent confustion.
I took a look at the plugin and don't see why they wouldn't be able to simply edit the
custom_gdirect template to modify the wording. That doesn't require the pro version to do.
They just need to modify this:
PHP Code:
<h3 class="blocksubhead">Hello Guest,<br />You are currently viewing this page because you are not logged in or haven't registered yet. If you are already a member login below. If you aren't a member let me tell you about some of our great features you can enjoy as one!</h3>
<div class="blockrow restore">
<li>All members get to interact within our community with others, send and receive private messages, create new topics for discussions, and answer others.</li>
<li>Registration is fast and free, only takes a few seconds so why not take the time and <a href="register.php?" target="_blank"><b>register now</b></a></li>