I have a very serious problem with this Mod..... all of my Moderators are bored to death as there are no more spammers on our forums. vbStopForumSpam Log Viewer (page 1/156) | There are 2,328 total log entries. and that is like 15-20 days worth I think. I changed the verbage of the message to include a link directly to me and NOT ONE EMAIL STATING A MISTAKE. I also have moderate by country IP address and have all countries that are pertanent to my forums list all others banned and I have 1 person that got caught by that Mod. This is the best thing since sliced bread as we used to get 100-200 a day that would try to rregister from where ever and be from Brazil....as my forums are Snowmobile based that was wrong but they figured out about the ip from what country and started using proxies this stopped them dead in their tracks... Thanks again