Originally Posted by Idawg
Only problem with that is there is a new wave of registration emails and ip's (new proxies??) that the bots/spammers are using now and they blow right through the Stoptheregistrationbots mod.. It uses stopforumspam.com database, and I dont think they have the people using it as much either
As for vb4, I am going to install this and try to register a test account and see if it errors out or not.. I have 2 vb4 forums that I would LOVE to use this on..
Also, can SOMEONE please update this to 4 so we can install it on production forums??
You know, IDawg, I think you're confused here about what StopTheRegistrationBots does. AFAIK, I does not in fact use the vbStopForumSpam database at all. As I understand it, as its first line of defense StopTheRegistrationBots is basically designed to do what IsBot does and measure the amount of time it takes a "registering user" to complete one registration form and move to the next one. If that time is too short StopTheRegistrationBots instantly blocks the 'user' from registering because he's "too fast to be human". But in addtion to those capabilities, it is also designed to include and require entry of a hidden form field that the normal vbulletin registration form does NOT include and if that field is NOT provided, then it concludes the registration attempt is being made by a bot that's sending it data based on the normal vb registration form and not the one StopTheRegistrationBots is designed to use and blocks it. In addition, it includes features that allow the Site Admin to quickly change the name of that hidden field on the form so that the information the register.php program expects to receive from the form can quickly be changed to a new field with a different name to help the site admin detect and block bots.
From what I've read, none of these features have anything whatsoeever to do with the vbStopForumSpam database. So I basically think you're confused here.
Also, for the record, I haven't yet installed vb4. But from what I know about these tools, I can't see any reason why this patch wouldn't be easy to move over to vb4. Then again, perhaps I've missed something.
I hope this clarification helps.