I'd like to use this, but I'm having no end of problems on your website. I can't get into the forum owners area because it says:
Your account is waiting for your email confirmation. Access to the system is currently restricted.
I have never gotten an email from you. I dug into the mailllog and it looks like my servers anti-spam protection thinks your hostname is forged. I've whitelisted you, but your system doesn't give any way to resend the email that I can see.
So I tried to create an account on your forum to get help, but there is no Recaptcha image in the registration form, and in that area it says:
This reCAPTCHA key isn't authorized for the given domain. More info
When I try to register I get:
The string you entered for the image verification did not match what was displayed.
Username on your site is: Supracentral
This does not bode well folks. My confidence in any of this working is really being shaken...