Thanks James...and here is there forum:
They offer plenty of help...and I've posted there (I created a shipping array based on 4 countries ...since I only ship to USA, Canada, UK and AUS) and using rates based on weights.
There is built in "intershipper" that works part of the time. Its just that half the time, the intershipper doesn't work at all...and so the customers wouldn't be able to get their order processed. In the phpshop code, there is an spot for alternative code for shipping in case intershipper isn't working. But I have no clue how to add it/modify it.
Of course, I am willing to hire for pay for someone to help me out:
fixing my shipping issue
using the VBulletin database (and modifying the billing/shipping address request info since currently to "register" for the store requires their billing address and if they were already registered as a VB member, this would have to be asked of them on "checkout")
And of course, I have a hack that isn't working in my upgrade on VB. If you think you could figure that out for me, I'll pay for that as well.
I had some great help installing/customizing those hacks. They are just so busy with VB and their own sites, they don't have time to fix them now....(apparently a tiny bit of code wasn't documented in a hack so I've missed it not knowing much php)
Email me if you would like this project. Thanks!