Verry Good point about a general gaming site. My site is a real time game and real players .person to person, the forum is just a gathering place where instructions will be how to play plus strategies but the game is played out there in the real world and the other part of my site is a monitoring system and score . so this i why i went with vb because i think social network sites would not really give a focus point, players would be all over the place like facebook. next thing i know they will be growing pigs and tomatoes on my site lol. it is great to here different point of views . But i am starting to feel that i am the strange one out there, i really feel twitter is completely useless but the site is growing . i think texting is a stupid idea but yet every kid on the block just has to do it and the parents are just as bad and i have witness what really goes on and it is just like twitter with the small amount of information given out ,well why don't you just pick up the phone and talk to the guy or girl and get together something like that . This is one big question about what i want to do. the game requires for you to go out of your home loll. I have to fine that crowd that likes being an adventurist and is not afraid of using a new system. where most finally gave in and joined facebook becouse all there friends said they where on it.