Originally Posted by masterross
Yes, Really.
Originally Posted by masterross
So how you can explain this:
I dont explain how other peoples servers are configured.
What I do know is how this works, specifically one, fully indexed select. The average vb4 page uses about 15 such queries per page. Your links show that you are already running high loads in the before screen - if adding one more indexed query to a page is having that sort of dramatic effect then your server is already on the edge of collapse.
I would suggest that you make sure that your server actually created the dateline index (which btw, is done on install, and would take a while on 2 million posts).
Originally Posted by masterross
Of-course will work on baby boards with small numbers of members online but did you tried on board with 2000 users online 
Dont patronise me just because you have a busy forum. Im well aware of whats involved in busy set-ups. I have had this working on high traffic forums, and indeed, added the cutoff feature at the request of one to help control high load queries that would have involved counting 1,000's of posts. You would also do well to remember that this only works on logged in members, not users, from observing your forum tonight, I would guess its more like 800 members online, not 2000 (and I cant tell what you cookie timeout is either).