Originally Posted by Davidinh
i'm running vb 4.0.2
and ..... when i install this mod i didn't change everything inside
so, what i missing hummm .... let me double check about config of mod
thanks for your reply DJ
yeah i double check
in the option verything as it as default
some part as check email, ip, usernam (in the note: shouldnt change) so i leave it alone
the url like
anything else i have to check....????
can everyone tell me .... thanks
the issure is everyone consider as spammer when they register into my board
but in log it show differnce
with ones who is not spammer it least a usename + email + ip ....
with ones who is a spammer it least a Unregistered + email + ip .....
but no ones get in
You run a forum devoted to things like 'Windows Validation Crack' and 'How To Watch Movies Without Paying for Them'.
Why are you surprised that the people trying to register have their details in a global spam database?