OK, so shame on me. I guess they are working on 4.0 and issues like mine just don't qualify for a fix.
Honestly, I think it's just more of a golly they don't know and if they ignore it or keep asking questions, it will go away. I search through the threads on their forum, and they are just in the habit of ignoring or asking until the OP just leaves. I am starting to think the one with the info just doesn't visit the forums.
I feel sorry for those with major issue where other posters are having to try to help, because the oh so busy coders are just absent for a week. Looks like they are gone even longer on this thread. Yikes.
Sorry, but the it's free so take what you get isn't cool either. With only 47 games and poor service, I am understanding why so many are switchng back. I understand the coders have a life, but if you are ever thinking of charging for this, maybe change around your priorities a bit.
With all of the Mochiad issues, I don't even dare use any of those games. My forum will get messed up, and I'd have to just wait for a fix until they felt like trying to help.
I'm sure I'll get the "good riddance", but when forum owners are getting errors and things not working right, their members just don't understand the whole "We'll, I'm still waiting for a fix" after over two weeks. My members really liked the multi-colored crowns, which is why I was really trying to get it fixed. Telling me it's a minor issue and not worth the time doesn't sound good to my members. Not to mention that you haven't responded to many of the other posts, so they must not be worth the time either.