Originally Posted by bigjosh359
So because this dev did an outstanding job in the past month with his mods...that is unfair and you did not vote for it? How can you vote for a mod if you haven't even tried them, THAT seems unfair to all nominated.
Chatbox hands down!
I might be taking a shot in the dark here, but I kind of understand Floris assume cynicism
There are 5 very worthy and very neato groovy super-duper mods each worthy of acceptance in the Mod Hall of Famers if there ever was one.
Since there are 5 nominees Three of which are VSa!!
Well I doubt it takes a PHd in theoretical physics to understand the probability of
whom is going to win
The Key word is
whom not what! so in defense of Cynics all around the globe, as well as president of the hair club for cynics I cast my vote for ... Wait I have not used any of these mods either, So I am going to vote for the one with the coolest name.. no wait, post pictures first, I want to vote for the nicest looking one
I mentioned criteria, one of them should simply be 1 Mod per member per month, I am sure there are other worthy mods that could make up the 5.
The prize must be worth it, like the academy awards or sumpin ... I see the back room deals, Sppsst hey judge, uh I found this $20 starbucks card with your name on it, just wanted to make sure you get it or Spppssst Judgy oh Judgy, ya eva see da part in da God Fadder wit da horses head? I gotch ya number dar judgy