I apologize for the absense, I'll answer all the posts.
Originally Posted by Eric Anderson
Also any way to add timestamp?
Which client? PJIRC or Mibbit?
Originally Posted by abnvet
Hi there, I posted on your site awhile back but my post is no longer there. Do you have an estimated time when you will port this for 3.8.
1. Your post is still on my website, it was in the "release category" for 3.8. I moved it to feedback.
2. No, there is
NOT a ETA. I've worked on the 4.0 to get it working properly before getting to 3.8
Originally Posted by marinelife
Why after I install this do I get this on my forum:
Active Users in
There are currently 0 users online (Highest: )
It does not do anything.
Your channel must have StatServ, as Floris has mentioned. And it must be on the vbirc.com network.
Originally Posted by Floris
SNN, we have 17 servers on vbirc, you would have to add the whole server range otherwise you force ppl only on those 3, but irc.vbirc.com is the rrDNS, so they also end up on others on the same network.
I will add all the servers in the next release. /map is handy (:
Originally Posted by Floris
Could the first post perhaps be updated with installation instructions, including how to turn on mibbit for ezirc and how to change the channel to their own channel?
I could create a link in which they could visit, and ask them how they want to have EzIRC configured, and then it tell them (in steps) what to do.