Does anyone know how to set/modify/update this plugin to sync Facebook avatars automatically upon user registration? I have the FB avatars working on my site, but users first have to go to their avatar settings and manually choose to sync with FB in order for them to appear.
I can't tell if this behavior is supposed to happen or not - it makes sense to me that the initial avatar sync would happen on registration, but from what I can tell by looking at the code it doesn't seem to be the case. I've looked at many of the posts in this thread about avatar problems, but haven't found anything that matches this issue (which I'm not sure is really an issue or just an additional customization that I want to do).
All of the avatar setup stuff seems to be taking place in hook_profile_updateavatar_start.php, which looks like it is only called when a user updates their avatar settings. I'd like to get the sync avatar setting turned on by default for newly registered users from Facebook - I'm not sure if there's someplace in hook_register_start.php or in the register template I can trigger this, or if I should just copy the relevant code from updateavatar_start instead.
I could probably figure it out given the time, but I'm just wondering if anyone's already done this (or if I'm missing something obvious in the settings somewhere).