Originally Posted by Quantnet
i looked at your site and since it's in Spanish, i can't understand much.
I like to know how you get the avatar to display in WP from the user's VB avatar.
Do you store avatar in database or in file?
I have the avatars in the DB. First I call:
PHP Code:
if (function_exists('Comment_Handler') and $vbridge == '') {
$vbridge = Comment_Handler($post->ID);
global $vbulletin;
and then
PHP Code:
for the author and
PHP Code:
$commenter_id = $comment->user_id;
for comenters.
Originally Posted by PlayersBay
I have an urgent problem with my site using wp-vb integration.
Suddenly the integration stopped working, have no clue why.
My site goes blank on wp part if I keep plugin installed, shows again when I put wordpress bridge functions off (but than my users can't access wordpress part).
I would appreciate help ASAP. $25/hour.
Didn't you by any chance change the password for the user that's linking to your vBulletin? or something like that?