Originally Posted by ndahiya
try this in the wiki maintenance folder: php refreshImageCount.php
same issue with others. i think it might make sense to use full paths instead of relative across the mod? also something abt header already sent in the error message.. suspect the Auth file is doing more than just authenticating.
Should be working now
Originally Posted by ndahiya
wonder if a workaround is to have 2 defined WOL locations: /w/index.php... and /home/ both called Wiki
As you wished

... Therefor u got more settings now, so all kind of alias and pretty urls can be used now
Originally Posted by ndahiya
then it is a easy fix. do a count at install to set it to a "starting" value. my mod created a starting value at install and then updated it on using a cron job (note that you might need still a index to make sure the count does not fail initially - see the install code of the other mod).
hm... not that easy for me... might take some time
Originally Posted by ndahiya
neither do i, but i suspect it is caching sessions and both mediawiki and vbulletin may be trying to set the same variable. very easy fix though with the variable definition as i mentioned.
also, i noticed something strange as i moved from memcached to apc cache (at that time, mediawiki was using apc, forums using memcached). the wiki failed (some error about memcached not found), suggesting it is the auto file that is somehow the cause. now i am using apc cache for both, and it works fine (memcached worked fine too when i used it on both forums and mediawiki. but on a single server, i can replace memcached + eaccelerator with apc cache, so its easier)
hm... still no idea :$ ... give me some time to check that out
Originally Posted by ndahiya
what i meant was... you show a link to "Discussion" which goes to the talk page.. it could be optional.
It looks so empty without that link... I thought everyone would like it

... ok, perhaps will be optional some day
Originally Posted by ndahiya
yes, but if you have 2 pages that link to a page with a #REDIRECT in the wiki, it is showing them all, even if the #REDIRECT pages are old.
so if i edit Page1, and had a redirect to Page1 on Page2, the what's new will show both Page1 and Page2...
done... redirects are not shown anymore
Originally Posted by ndahiya
its a great mod bepe, just some small issues.. also, you might like to highlight that the user.php edits are optional... i generally do not like to change the core files when making edits. (btw, vbulletin is case insensitive for user names while mediawiki saves them as case sensitive. so the change of default naming scheme can be a problem later)
it's a seperated folder now... u will see
ok, thanks for helping... will try to fix the remaining stuff as soon that I find some spare time :$