Originally Posted by dianna
ok this might be a dumb question (it is kinda early in the am for me lol) but where in header or wherever I want to add it do I place that code? I uploaded the xml file and added that code at the top of my header template and nothing?!! I would like the avatars to show in the top right hand by their names.
Hmmm, Dianna well. Where you added that codes? Can you show me demo or screenshoot? or please tell me now, where you wanna show that? And you know right its just your avatar, not another member avatars. Only user can see himself using avatars. I can help you, if you want it. And I really love Texas, alot of cowboys live in there lol! But I know some rock bands in Texas or Arizona right on. I wanna go to there, lol. What ever, I'm right here for help now.