Understood, but dont you think they knew it was going to overwrite the default images when they put it up.? (i bet 99 out of 100 styles on here dont do that)
Also, that the edit/setup file was (and is still) missing from the zip folder.?
My boards are not heavily modified, but i understand mod combinations, & compatability, etc. but those 2 issues alone, seem wrong to have to deal with.
I'll get it worked out on my own, but it just seems to me that the sole purpose of posting this mod/style is to get people to register/buy their other versions to help fix this version.
Once you've already lost your default images, & have gone threu the process of installing it, to find out the editing file is missing. There isn't much choice except do all the leg work to get it to work, or register on vBSEO & work with them.. and possible buy a newer version.!?
I guess im just trying to MAKE SURE people know what they're getting into before they install this style/mod. Its not just another skin (some are much worse. lol)
PS. Dont you think that your AME mod is much more difficult of an install & to configure than this skin should be.?
I didn't have even close to half the problems/issues with it as i did with this style.
I'm just sayin'