I'm sorry to say that I've had to click the Uninstall button on this thread.
Don't get me wrong, this is a great hack. Very well written; I didn't have any problems with it, aside from a few German/English language confusions, as mentioned by others here earlier.
The reason why I've removed this hack from my board after having some time to look at it and how people were using it, it seemed that it would ultimately do more harm to my board's community than good. One thing I noticed right away was that some people who got low ratings right away just turned this feature off for themselves. But my main concern, however, was that people who got low ratings might feel as if they weren't wanted, and would stop visiting my board.
Some might say this is a good thing. Maybe it's even the point of the hack. If someone acts a certain way on a message board that the majority of the membership doesn't like, then maybe giving that member a low rating will give that person the hint that they should move on. But getting rid of the small amount of members that most people don't like will leave a message board with a community of people who are all pretty much the same. Then things get boring. I think a little bit of tension or conflict isn't necessarily a bad thing.
So I'm not knocking this hack; maybe for some communities that want to be a bit more agressive with filtering out the non-desriable people, this is a good thing. I just wanted to point out to people to really consider if they want to start something on their board that may lead to ill feelings.