Originally Posted by NUTNDUN
Hi Chris,
I signed up for the pro plus and everything works great. I do however have one issue and one question. I have a couple of users that can get in to the chat just fine as long as they enter from the forum home page, if they click on one of the forums and then try to go in they are getting a blank page and the chat never loads. I was wondering if you know what might be causing this?
The other question I have is I am looking to seo the site a little better, is there a way I can hide the navbar and quick links from unregistered users?
Are you using the embedded version? If you're using the popup version, does a blank popup appear, or..? The links should be identical unless you've customized them. Either way I'd like to take a closer look. If you could e-mail
support@addonchat.com attn:Chris and provide a test user account it would allow us to track down and correct any problems quickly.
Regarding your SEO question, we've already have a couple requests for this and it will be implemented in the next minor update. We have one other integration script in front of us before we start adding the latest customer requests and issue another update