Originally Posted by bogley
I was meaning the default vb tag box that appears under the main post editing body. I've disabled that because I don't want my users trying to figure out what a tag is.
But... I do want to utilize tags for a tag cloud. So I'd like the auto tagger, I just don't want my users to waste their time trying to learn about tags. (internet noobs)
So I'm wondering since I've disabled Tagging in vbulletin options, will this auto tagger mod still work? I'm guessing not.
So in that case I might have to find a way to just hide the default vb tag input box.
You know - just test it

I remember that tagger checks allowed number of tags per thread, but I do not remember to check does tagging is allowed at all. So possibly it will work.
If not - turn tagging on and modify vB template to not show tags box