I'm completely lost with this now and im wondering what I've missed?
1) I created a copy of my existing /forums/ into a new directory (on the same level, public_html) called /test/.
2) I "multi-dumped" the existing live site and restored it to a new database I created with a new user as well (double protection against editing the main database).
3) I have two databases in operation with the exact same tables (205 in total) and two separate directory folders.
4) I went into config.php on the /test/ directory and edited the file to point it to the test database file.
5) Feeling smug with myself I went into the test directoy and it appeared to work, or so I thought, as when i went to disable the board it did the same to my original site?
I have two config.php files for each board, two databases with exactly the same tables, two directories exactly the same but I can't understand what I'm doing wrong? Can someone advise me on potential issues as I'm wanting to test VB4 for future development and I'm falling behind.
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After doing some reading:
I was editing config.php on the main directory instead of /includes/config.php
Is config on the main director now obsolete then?