Originally Posted by betts02
Instructions ?
Got the wiget mod installed as per instruction, even though i do not use the CMS
Imported this file but can not find it NYWHERE
Tried in the forum block manager - no option
Futher instructions if you can please
Cheers in advance
There is no futher instructions, if it does not appear in forumblock,
then im afraid there is a conflict with another mod..
If you have both products installed you can add the forumblock manually
and then add this code --
Attachment 112931 plus remmber to set
the block to
php, and set the template display to
Originally Posted by Reeve of shinra
can this work with multiple clans on a single forum?
You cannot run multiple instances of same block or widget without it being a dublicate
then it needs a rebuild, howewer you can just add AS many classes as you want
maybe define the colors as red for this game, blue for this game etc.
and then set the demand accordinly pr game, but it will only be one widget or block.
Originally Posted by ToNetU
tagged, thanks
BTW: your "hide" mod is not working perfect, i still can see the hidden content in "show printable version" 
Its not my mod, its a old 3.5 mod, from who i cant remember, and i know
its fine as is.