i have worked this out, so glad to be able to share the joy
you edit your template:
<li>{vb:rawphrase threads}: {vb:raw forum.threadcount}</li>
<li> {vb:rawphrase posts}: {vb:raw forum.replycount}</li>
remove from between the 2 tags:
& bob's yer uncle
however, next up you will need to change the width of the div that those stats sit in, otherwise, as you will see, it looks mucky
which you can do in:
forumbits.css (also to be found in the template editor)
there are % values in the css for each of the 4 'columns'
forum title & description -
foruminfo - 57%
rss button -
forumactionlinks - 5%
forumstats -
forumstats - 12% <-that's the one you want!
last post & poster -
forumlastpost - 22%
if you mess about with those you can make space for your stats to be displayed neatly on one line,
when you've done that we can get started on sorting out the muddle that is forumlastpost!!!