Originally Posted by dannykilla
I would like the roster to not be separated by usergroup and I would rather have it so that everyone is together in one table, would this be possible ?
Any help would greatly be appreciated
Thanks for the awesome hack & any help u may offer
Two ways.
If you want to make this permanent, then go into the showroster.php file:
PHP Code:
if ($groupsort == '') { $groupsort = 'title'; }
Replace with:
PHP Code:
if ($groupsort == '') { $groupsort = ''; }
If you want to make this one of the sorting options, go into the SHOWROSTER template:
Find any of the sort fields, i.e.:
<td class="tcat" width="14%" align="center"><a href="$sorturl&order=asc&groupsort=field11">Field11</a></td>
Replace with:
<td class="tcat" width="14%" align="center"><a href="$sorturl&order=asc&groupsort=''">Users</a></td>