I've uploaded LDM 3.0.2, which fixes a number of bugs (including the problem created by vb 4.0.2) and adds some new features:
+ vbCMS
vbCMS modules provided, equivalent to those for forumhome and LDM sidebar (hot/new/random, thumb/text)
+ Admin/bandwidth
Extended the bandwidth controls to allow admins to specify per-usergroup maximum transfer rates for downloads
+ Extras
Patch to forumbit construction has become an 'extra' because of need for template edit in vb4
New 'admin-chart-logjumps' extra adds graphics to hits analysis
+ Bug fixes
Fixed patch-forumhome-newlinks extra
Fixed patch-forumhome-recententries extra
Fixed sql error with special searches when 'can_view_hidden/expiry days' apply
Fixed vanishing images (workaround for change in vb code)
Fixed subcategory indenting in catbits
+ Other
Moved 'extras' directory up a level and out of 'release'
More minor tweaks to templates
Tweaks to php code to speed page rendering
Fixed code to work correctly with vb 4.0.2
I've also made the location of the Links/Download menu item a configurable option (but you have to edit the file includes/local_links_defns.php to change this option).
If there are no serious problems reported in the next week, we'll take this mod out of Beta status.