Bump, I too am interested in this EVE-API mod.
This is what I would like to see (I do not know if its similar to what other people would like).
Version 1:
User goes to register on forum, instead of a normal register screen (vb) they are asked for for everything as per the norm, apart from their user name.
Instead of a username they are asked to enter their EVE:Online userid and limited API key.
They then select the relevant EVE character from the normal 3 char select, and are assigned various usergroups depending on their corpid/allianceid, same with their roles (director level access if they are a director in game).
And then if the user leaves the EVE corp, or lose roles, their VB access is also removed.
Version 2:
They register as normal, to get access to EVE-corp related forums/roles, they have to enter their EVE API related userid, and limited API key.
It is checked with the API server, access is granted to certain forums/sub forums based on their EVE corpID (allowed list).
So... is anyone working on something similar to this? I've seen various vBulletin forums, used by EVE:Online corps in this manner, but all of them (to whom I have contacted) are unwilling to share any of the source code, nor share in how they made the mod.
I've been looking for an EVE:Online API mod for vBulletin well over 12 months.
So any info on this would be nice
PS: Willing to throw the programmer (in game ISK (if you play EVE) or depending on the quality of the code, real money (i.e. paid services, depending on the costs).
Oh, I also use vBulletin 3.8.4 PL2)