Quoted myself
Originally Posted by goxy63
A bug or Iam missing something in my settings....?
Just today noticed that all users on a list "who has posted today"... cant find any post of those users (today, when clicked o their usernames)....noone didnt erased posts, usergroup of mentioned users dont have permissions to delete posts....checked some of settings and I dont have any idea why 
My VB version is 3.8.2, and never before had any problems with this great mod
Any suggestions, maybe I miss something very obvious?
Thank you Paul for quick answer...well those forums are in Vb searches, they always were
Funny thing is that other mod which I use for my home page under VBA displays everything as it should
vBadvanced Module: Top Posters in Last X Days
And just found out that those users who are trouble didnt even post anything so that their usernames shouldnt even be displayed within "who has posted today" mod at my forums (they didnt post anything for 10days or so)
Myst be that something else is making trouble to this mod but I just dont have idea what, only mods that in past 10 days I got installed where
MGC chatbox
Ibproarcade new post on highscore
And with my poor knowledge I dont see how these two can cause this trouble