I know some people won't like this but after having seeing too many users trying to reuse email addresses that bounce, I modified exbounce.php
PHP Code:
// Update all of bouncing user's subscribed FORUMS to emailupdate = 0
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscribeforum
SET emailupdate = 0
WHERE userid = " . $buser['userid'] . "
I added
PHP Code:
// Get list of banned email addresses from the datastore
$banned_email = $db->query_first("
SELECT data FROM vb_datastore
WHERE title = 'banemail' ");
$banned_email = $banned_email['data'];
// Get new email address to ban from bounced email address
$userid = $buser['userid'];
// Get new email address to ban from bounced email address
$bemail = $db->query_first("
SELECT email FROM vb_user
WHERE userid = '$userid' ");
$bemail = $bemail['email'];
// Add new bounced email address to existing banned email addresses
$banned_email = "$banned_email $bemail";
// Update banned email list
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "datastore
SET data = '$banned_email'
WHERE title = 'banemail' ");
// #########
Now when I follow the link in the bounced email the bounced email address is added to the banned email address list in vB options.
I'd like to add another link in the bounced email that would switch to this additional script, but for the time being this will do for now for me. Something like appending another variable ($b) to the end of the email bounce link like if(isset($_GET['b'])){ execute above code}
I only bounce email address that are clearly spam like mail.ru sdffjk@gmail and those with spammy usernames.
This certainly won't work for everyone but it might give you an idea so you can tailor this great mod to work better for you.