Originally Posted by Ted S
Interesting. Are you running any other large mods or is your board mostly "out of the box"? Was this a new 4.0 install or a 3.x upgrade?
Hi Ted, the only other mod I'm running is Blackthorn last 30 pm's. Other than that it's the vb blog and vb cms. This was a new install (I came in to the party on 4.01). The only other things I've done other than altering control panel option settings are I've renamed the admin and mod folders, and I've password protected the renamed folders and also password protected the includes and install folders. I assume this has no effect on the mod? Obviously the files were uploaded to the appropriately renamed folder. The "simple" was this answer helpful yes/no works fine, it's only the 10 point system (the one I really want to use!) that has the problem.