Originally Posted by x626xblack
Yet another Nice Try! Post your picture so we can see the definition of fail.
Do you think I have not gone to the support section and seen the larger laundry list of issues that have not been answered. The support area is full of members "trying" to help other members. When you view someones profile and click on "find all posts by member" it SHOWS posts there also. None of which have happened since Jan 31st. Apparently DJ is trying to help with issues but ZERO is MIA or someone stole his keyboard.
Your juvenile attempt at a comeback or sarcastic reply was a waste of font and keystroke.
What you failed to see or as you put it "are blind to" is that I have not asked for support here. The support section is for that. I simply stated that this product "seems" to be no longer supported by the Coder that posted it and developed it.
P.S: That "other" list of lists is growing also.
Well, he's not supposed to be handling ALL of those questions by himself. I'm guessing his new baby stole his keyboard. Mine does all the time. This is supposed to be a community effort. I doubt any one of use could handle the hundreds of support questions a month, not considering the fact that a lot of them are repeat questions.