Originally Posted by yellowpeter
I believe the team has been looking into this and they may email you directly to get it resolved. We don't have a greek language setup to reproduce it so it may be a bit slow to proceed, but we will try our best.
Looking forward to get the greek language issue fixed.
Thank you.
Problem is solved from the team. Here is the solution in case someone else experiences similar issues as provided from Yao:
It looks issue fixed. Some error happened when code encode from utf-8 to iso-8859-7.
Please verify it and let me know the result.
And please manully change one line after you any upgrade tapatalk plugin.
in mobiquo/include/vbulletin_common.php
You can find
$str = @mb_convert_encoding($str,'HTML-ENTITIES','UTF-8');
Please comment it or remove it when upgrade.