Originally Posted by x626xblack
One would expect the Add-On to be updated and the issues corrected. He has not even updated the original Posting to reflect compatibility except for in 1 place. The Original post is sloppy and you can not deny that, huge gaps, incomplete compatibility list. One would also assume that said Coder would not have to answer to a problem more than once if said problem was corrected in the Add-On.
Secondly he has no posted ANYWHERE since Jan 31st. That includes the Respective support forums.
I commend you on your support for a fellow coder, however none of my statements are incorrect.
One can only really
expect such things if they're paying for a service. This is a free modification so the fact that we can use it is plenty.
And so what if he hasn't posted in 2 weeks? Maybe the guy took a holiday? Maybe there's been a family emergency? Either way he doesn't owe it to any of us to live online updating things the second someone reports an issue they've run into.
Sorry if that seems harsh to you - just getting fed up of the amount of posts on here lately where people are whining that coders/designers aren't jumping through every hoop for them instantly when they're all getting these modifications for free.