Originally Posted by JonnyThunder
That's interesting. At what point did I say PEOPLE were rediculous?
I thought you meant me, sorry. Let's move on
Originally Posted by JonnyThunder
Yes - I see what you mean. You're an inspiration to us all - an all round hero. Give yourself a big squishy kiss. However, my original post wasn't about you.
I'm sorry again, I thought you meant me. I guess I was a little paranoid back there... hehe..
Originally Posted by JonnyThunder
Sounds like someone has a case of paranoia because I never mentioned you (though you seem to have assumed it's you I'm talking about). I'm sure he will fix these things given time. But having to deal with hundreds of posts from people stupidly threatening to remove his mod because it doesn't work, is surely slowing down his progress.
Indeed paranoia and I largely agree with you. Threatening with mod-removal is counter-productive.