Originally Posted by Garamond
Very mature of you to call people ridiculous
That's interesting. At what point did I say PEOPLE were rediculous?
Originally Posted by Garamond
But I guess you are living in a relatively perfect world if this is the worst you have ever seen.
In context to people complaining about free products, yes. There are thousands of people on here moaning and hurling abuse just because the product doesn't work for them (not just about this mod, but all of them)
Originally Posted by Garamond
Are you so narrowminded that you cannot see what I mean?
Yes - I see what you mean. You're an inspiration to us all - an all round hero. Give yourself a big squishy kiss. However, my original post wasn't about you.
Originally Posted by Garamond
I'm not the problem here, the CSS design of ibProArcade in vB4 on the other hand, is, and I hope Marcel focuses on that in a future update.
Sounds like someone has a case of paranoia because I never mentioned you (though you seem to have assumed it's you I'm talking about). I'm sure he will fix these things given time. But having to deal with hundreds of posts from people stupidly threatening to remove his mod because it doesn't work, is surely slowing down his progress.