Sorry, I jumped to conclusions too quickly.
Originally Posted by Zookie
The first area I want to edit can be viewed at The text area I want to edit is the light blue inside box that has the following text" SpellQuizzer spelling lists that have been exported to an .sqexp file and can be imported into SpellQuizzer. Only one spelling list per export file please.
- Click the "Upload a Spelling File" menu link in the blue menu bar above to upload an exported spelling list of your own.
- Click the "How to Import Spelling Lists" link in the Pencil menu above for help on how to import a list into SpellQuizzer.
This is the "extended description" for the category, which is changed by going into "Edit Category".
Originally Posted by Zookie
The second text area I want to change is at Unfortunately, you need to be signed in to my forum to view that page. But the text I want to change is the heading of the form for uploading files. The current text reads "User Uploaded Spelling Lists" which isn't really right since this is a form for uploading lists, not browsing existing lists. I'm thinking this may be a category title I somehow set previously and that it has to be the same for both the page where existing entries are listed as well as the upload form. It would be nice if I could have different headings for those two pages since they are functionally different (one for browsing/downloading while the other is for uploading). Feel free to register with the forum to be able to view the page (though I'll of course understand if you don't want to) I'm referring to here.
As you say, this header is simply the category name. You could change it (if you really want to - beware that you will then need to remember you made the change if you upgrade) by editing the links_addnewlink template. Find the sequence that reads:
<tr align="center">
<td class="tcat" align="center" colspan="2">
and replace $viewcatname by whatever text you want.
I think that a better (cleaner) solution will be to leave this title alone and set the "use_instructions" for the category by going to Edit Category/Control Settings. The text you enter there will appear immediately under the title.