I REALLY like the concept. Could you consider having a track, monitor and control system rather than just "block all".
The way it would work is thus:
1./ It would record all proxy attempts AFTER login name is captures, and log the proxy IP as well as the username
2./ The admin would be able to view this tracking list
3./ At any time, the admin can review proxy use ("monitor") and if the user logged in, which username it was ("track")
4./ The admin can select from the list of proxy addresses, and make specific IP's BLACKlisted or WHITElisted
5./ The admin would have an option to set the default as all (unknown) proxies BLACK or WHITE
6./ There would be an option to allow/block guest proxy access
I think that your programming hook is therefore one step later... let people log in first BEFORE running the blocking.
Yes, this requires some manual intervention by the admin to make it work properly. But this is very important for us, since we run a private vB for staff and clients. Clients may be behind proxies. By tracking, I can see who they are and the IP of the proxy. I can then decide to BLACK or WHITE list them. I cant risk blocking clients. I only want to block hackers.
When we have a new client, I could "shields down" until the client has logged in and I have the monitoring data. Then I could "shields up" again.
With this modified tool I would now have a monitoring system to see if people are trying to access via proxies, especially banned users (ex. staff and ex. clients).