First, thanks to FireFly; that fixed my problem.
Next, I'd like to show how I took the basic idea of this hack and extended it to work with tubedogg's 'user has started xx threads' hack (which was my idea

). This hack adds a new line to a person's profile, below the person's post count (and now the post percentage count, with this hack), and shows how many threads a person has started. What I've done is taken the idea of this hack, interfaced it with tubedogg's hack, to display the percentage of total
threads that a person has started.
1. Install this hack
2. Install tubedogg's hack from
here, only instead of adding the contents of his memberadd.txt file where he tells you to in his step #2, insert the contents of that file just above the bit you added from this hack.
3. Below the bit you added to member.php from this hack, add this:
// Find percentage of threads started
$counttotalthreads=$DB_site->query_first('SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads FROM thread');
$percentageoftotalthreads = round(($starts / $totalthreads) * 100,2);
4. In the getinfo template, assuming you have already added the contents of getinfoadd.txt from tubedogg's hack, find
$starts and change it to
$starts ($percentageoftotalthreads% of total threads).
I would like to get permission from apfeifer and tubedogg to re-release their individual hacks along with my modifications as one unified hack (with full crediting, of course).