Originally Posted by CoryHawk
It looks like you haven't even installed MediaWiki yet. Going to your wiki takes you to the install script. You need to setup MediaWiki before you try to integrate the two.
Follow the setup.. entering in the database info etc... once complete.. move the LocalSettings.php file in the wiki/config dir to the wiki root.
Add the code this to the bottom of it...
define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, '/home/domain.com/public_html' );
require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );
Import the latest product file.. and you should be good to go.
Bepe, CoreyHawk - When invoking the nav link 'Wiki' I am routed successfully to the wiki installation, which did complete as far as I can see - c here:
http://gblcg.com [then click 'Wiki' on navbar.]
This seems to work WITHOUT adding the two lines to LocalSettings.php as advised above. Something peculiar happens when these two lines ARE added; the process opens a dialogue box which requests approval for the download of 'index.php'
When allowed the file opens [in Dreamweaver for me].