Originally Posted by Bergler
Great mod, installed on both my sites, looking forward to those updates!! Nominated!  The only Problem I can see, like for istance, a three letter word, if not in the list! How will members get around that if they need "lets" in their title and its not in the list??
the title isn't effected at all. you can type anything you want really. basically it's like taking the title, copying it to the tag list and then filter out the badwords from the tagbox.
Originally Posted by Arsh
How come I'm getting this error in mail? Is it related to this hack?
PHP Code:
Invalid SQL:
count(*) as maxre
FROM vb_tagthread
GROUP BY tagid
LIMIT 0,1;
MySQL Error : Table 'xxxxxx.vb_tagthread' doesn't exist
not at all. this add-on uses only javascript and doesn't make any database changes. when do you get that error? did you have another tag mod installed that made database changes?
Originally Posted by oddmud
It works, I need a larger list of words not to use I guess. It's pretty simple.
I would like someone to make a tagger where we can set the tags we want, that works.
what do you mean, you would like to have a list of words that are added to every thread?
or a list of words that if the title matches it adds them to the tag box?