I purchased CB Mall awhile back and never did much with it. I thought that the Forum would be a perfect place to have a link to it! The CB Mall cost $97.
It is all about Affiliate marketing. Do you have a Clickbank Affiliate Account? With CB Mall, your Clickbank Affiliate ID is inserted into every single product. The CB Mall has pretty much every product that is in the Clickbank Marketplace. It is better organized and has better product descriptions than Clickbank. Jeff Mulligan owns and operates CB Mall. He is one of the VERY FEW Internet marketers that I pay attention to. He does not abuse his mailing lists by trying to promote every product under the sun. When I do receive an Email from Jeff promoting another product, the product is usually pretty good. I can tell that he has tried the product and really believes in the product. Most Internet Marketers couldn`t care less if you buy a crappy product as long as they get a commission from it.
I used to do a lot of advertising on Google Adwords promoting Clickbank products. Did quite well with it. Until Google became a public company and decided to gouge the advertisers for more money in order to please their share holders. Not to mention the many hoops I have to jump through just to get my Ads to show. I stopped giving Google money about 1 and a half years ago. Now I want to concentrate on Google Adsense and take money from Googles pockets.
My Clickbank ID is Reviewsggl. If you go to the order page of ANY product in the CBMall on my site, you will see at the bottom of the page: Affiliate = "Reviewsggl"
I have been designing web sites myself for about 7 years now. I did the same as you. Learned myself from scratch. Lots of tinkering. If I saw something that I liked on another site, I would copy the site and play around with it on my Computer to see exactly how it was done. I use Dreamweaver and Microsoft Expression Web.
Thanks for the Background color change. I will make the change in about 18 hours from now. I am going to bed now. It is 12:25 AM where I live and I have to be at work for 6:30.