Originally Posted by daveaite
Honestly, MikeLac, probably the best post I've seen from someone on my threads. You first wanted something different, but then you told people how to make it that different. Thanks x10
The sections widget operates like that for me too. I'm wondering if it's a 4.0.1 glitch. I think it is.
We'll have to wait till 4.0.2 to see if they fixed it. It doesn't occur with the categories.
Edit: Can I see a link to your site? I'd like to see your changes.
Sure thing!
My site is at:
I have made it my Default theme.
For the Logo, I used the same colors as your Twilight Logo. I created it using
cooltext.com and Photoshop.
For the Sections, I created 30 Sections with approx. 650 Subsections. Just like an Article directory! Eventually, I will have a separate layout for every single Main Section and Sub Section! I have a different layout for the first 20 Main Sections so far. I started creating my Forum on Dec. 21st.
By the way, I was on your Forum yesterday and I read your thread about installing the Stop Forum Spam Mod. That Mod is incredible! I have had it installed since Jan. 3rd and only one Spammer has gotten through. Only because he was not on any Spam lists. Lately, it has been rejecting approx. 10 Spammers a day. Spammers were registering at my Forum since the day I purchased and installed the Forum Software back on Dec. 21st. Which was odd, because nobody knew about my Forum yet. There is one source which creates a lot of Spam for every single Vbulletin Forum owner. Everybody that purchases Vbulletin gets a link to their Forum added to the list of all Vbulletin Owners. How convenient! A One Stop Shopping center for Spammers! How else would Spammers find out about my site from day one. I am going to see if I can get my link removed. You will find that this Mod will solve your Spammer problems. I only filter Email and IP addresses. I did not bother filtering User IDs.
Now, back on topic.
That is certainly strange how the Sections widget changes to a bright pink when the cursor is over it. I thought that you designed it that way since it doesn`t do it with my other Styles. It will be interesting to see what bugs version 4.02 will fix.
One more thing that I changed. It has nothing to do with your Style. I make this change with every Style that I install.
The RSS Widgets cut out the descriptions. It shows the titles only. If you want the descriptions as well, then this is how to do it:
Edit Template
Vbulletin CMS Templates ==> vbcms_widget_rss_page
Replace the following:
<!-- /////// Commenting out Summary and Author
{vb:raw detail.summary} <br />
{vb:raw detail.author} <br />
<!-- /////// Commenting out Summary and Author -->
{vb:raw detail.summary} <br />
{vb:raw detail.author} <br />
I am sure that it is very frustrating when you spend several hours creating Free Styles and people have nothing better to do than criticize your work. That would drive me nuts! I always try to make suggestions for improvements without making it sound like I am being critical. Everybody likes things differently. For example, I liked the Hyperlinks changed to Orange. Many others probably liked them just the way they were. :up:
Before Dec. 21st, I knew nothing about Vbulletin, other than being a registered user of a few Forums. But I love to tinker with things! That is how I learn!