Originally Posted by khuhner
I have 2 calendars on my site, one is public for everyone, and one is for specfic groups. I would like to have two seperate tabs each with equivilant items as sub links, i.e. Add Event, View Week, View Month, View Year. I entered both sets of sub links, however when I click on the second calendar tab, this mod shades the Main Calendar.
Any ideas on configuring these to make it work? What do I set for THIS_SCRIPT for the second calendar? Should I choose a different value such as URL or URL_PARAMETER?
Essentially I'd like 2 distinct tabs both pointing to one calendar and all sub links work for the respective calendar.
This cant be done at the moment. None of the navbar tab mods or even hand coding new tabs will accomplish this. The problem is THIS_SCRIPT needs to be unique for each tab and if you have 2 tabs both using calendar.php then you have 2 tabs using the same THIS_SCRIPT id. This means you get errors with which tab is highlighted. Setting it as a url will not work, because it's still an internal page. I believe the only way round this at the moment is to create a "wrapper" with a unique THIS_SCRIPT id and embedding your customised calendar php code within it - effectively creating a brand new php file for each calendar.
If you find a solution, let me know because I'm trying to accomplish something similar with search.php.