Originally Posted by ascender
Exact same problem I'm afraid. Sorry, no idea how I ended up in this thread, thanks for the heads-up.
Try downloading the patches from this site again, Then obviously, you'll want to unzip them and then upload them to your server again. Certainly sounds to me like something got glitched somewhere.
I'm only running vb 3.8.1 on the site where I'm using this addon; but I'm not seeing any issues of the type you describe at all.
I'd say roll back and start over from the very beginning (including the download
and the extract from the ZIP file) and see if that doesn't solve it. Also please note this comment from the install instructions:
If you cant see the logs in ACP/ Statistics and Logs, then you didnt upload the contents of the "upload" folder.... Its there for a reason, upload its contents to the root of your forum. This isnt an issue, its just something that 99% of the "it doesnt work" issues arise from
I doubt that it applies in your case; but it's certainly worth checking.
Good luck. Hope this helps!